A lot of expectant moms know that folic acid is important for their babies, so they take a supplement to make sure they get enough. Ditto for a multivitamin. But that might not do the trick.
A new study out of Australia found that standard supplements given to expectant moms, even the ones that include folic acid, didn’t give the women as much as they needed, especially riboflavin and vitamins B6 and B12.
An “enhanced” supplement did better — at least keeping the women’s vitamin B12 levels nicely elevated for at least six months after giving birth. (“This is probably important for the mother’s ability to supply her baby with vitamin B12 if she breastfeeds.”)
They found, though, that pregnant women will likely need more than a standard multivitamin, including an extra jolt of riboflavin, B6 and B12, and vitamin D, too.
Every person is different, though, so they shouldn’t go popping One-A-Days like M&Ms. Best bet: Talk to a compounding pharmacist! Not only do they they know their vitamins and minerals, they can work with pregnant moms and their OB/Gyns to create a custom formulation instead of an bottle off the shelf. It’s better to give baby-to-be a boost from the beginning!
Another great idea: Visit the Pharmacist Formulations supplement store! There’s where you’ll find the highest-quality, pharmacist-developed supplements to support you no matter what your body needs.
There are supplements for men’s and women’s health, for active lifestyles, for stress and mood issues, for seniors, and a whole lot more. Check it out, but don’t forget to have that conversation with your local compounding pharmacist!